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Data Sciense related.


Read and write queries to a database and perform data analysis.

Data Analysis

Using tools like Tableau, QlikView, statistical techniques and machine learning for business problem solving, predictive modeling and data manipulation.

Python & R

With knowledge on multiple frameworks like Scikit for Machine Learning, Spark for Big Data, Pandas, Git, TensorFlow and different IDEs (Spyder, Jupyter Project, R Studio and Atom).

Business related.

Business plans

Studies of market analysis, potential clients, product definition financial requirements and strategy.

Startups consultant

Experience with multiple startups (E-commerce, Mobile Apps and Engineering consulting).


This is not entirely business related but feel free to contact me to play some hockey, tennis or soccer.


Under construction.
For my Data Science porftolio check my github repos.


Just a little more info about me:

  • "I know one thing; that I know nothing"

    I am that guy that has to be always learning something, from studies and languages to trying new sports, my knowledge and experiences are just a mere drop in the proverbial bucket of available knowledge and I am just trying to see and understand more of that bucket.

  • What I do

    At the moment I am helping a couple of startups find their way, doing my MBA disseration, improving my R skills and getting a lot of coding hours under my belt.

  • Languages and travel

    Spanish, English, some French and Geek.
    I have lived in Argentina, Canada, USA and Venezuela.

  • Hobbies

    Besides doing sports, from time to time, I enjoy learning a new discipline, reading books and blogs or taking a cool photo that I can brag about. :)

Also I have collaborated in a couple of startups:


Feel free to contact me through any channel in order to discuss opportunities, collaboration, consulting or to play any sport.